Friday, October 30, 2009

Jewelry with meaning

When I make jewelry for myself, it frequently has a meaning behind it.  Maybe the color signifies something. Maybe it's the stone, or the design, or whatever.
With Coqui Ainjelfire, I had gotten away from listing the meanings of my pieces. I thought it might be a little pretentious seeming to take a necklace made of purple glass beads that I named Orchid and to discuss how purple is a color of mystery and nobility....but the more I think about it, that's what the necklace means to me. If you don't care, that's fine, but I do.

So, I have decided to start listing meanings on my pieces again. They're mostly simple and a bodging together of an umber of belief systems and theories, but that's OK.  I get a lot of inspiration from the world around me and put a little bit of myself into each piece, and I want to bring that to my customers.

Ok, Off of my soap box.  Thank you.

1 comment:

fabricartist21 said...

I agree with you and I do think most artists put a spirit into their work and that makes it seam to have life.

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