Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dealing with Life's Little Quandries

So, I am trying to get things ogether so I can take pictures and apply to a few new shows. Every show seems to require a picture of your "display", and thought I have plenty of product, most of my selling has been online and face to face, so I still need to figure out a display.

I have a 10x10 canopy that I bough a few years ago when I was going to do my sewing as a business. It's a high end tent that hasn't been out of the box yet. I currently have tables set up in my living room for figuring out a display, got a cash register yesterday, and have a sign being made as I type this.

I just wonder how detailed these pictures need to be.....

Can I set my tent up in my back yard or driveway, artfully display my pieces in the tent on my tables, take a few pics, and send them in? Or do I really need the sign in place? I would LIKE to get everything set up this weekend, but the sign won't arrive for another week or two.

Also, as I have been setting up, I am realising I have plenty of some things, and definitely NOT ENOUGH of others. Can I set up light and go fromt here, or shoulf I put in a few LOOONG days and get enough for the displays to look full?

Am I making this more difficult than it needs to be? These aren't juried shows, but they are screened and popular fairs, and I would like to get in to them. I feel like all I have done for the week is worry about this, spend money, and make things to fill in display holes......

Maybe I'll just call them and explain the situation.....

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