Friday, January 9, 2009


Ah, yet again that old demon pops up. I was highly frustrated last night when I went to check on my views and noticed how many views I am getting, yet I can't seem to make a sale. I ended up asking about it in the etsy forums. I was thinking my pictures still sucked (they are still too dark), my taste is bad, my shipping too high. What I was NOT expecting was : "Your prices are way too low".

People said that my prices made them wonder if there was something wrong with what I was selling that I was trying to hide! I was so surprised. My husband thinks much of my stuff is overpriced, so I usually price at a happy medium.

So, I am doing an experiment. I marked almost everything in my shop about 10% higher than usual (Some things on the high end, I just left alone). Let's see if it helps sales. I know it's a rough time of year, and the jewelry market is saturated, but it's worth a shot.

Well, off to try that ring pattern I screwed up 6 times yesterday again!

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