Monday, January 12, 2009

Getting things done...Not an easy thing to do!

As I've focused more and more on this business being a "BUSINESS",a sopposed top a hobby, I have found out some interesting things. First and foremost: Murphy's Law rules at my house. Anytime anything NEEDS to get done, that's when something catastrophic is going to happen to keep it from happening. NEED to get to the post office? No worries, the sky will dump 6 inches of snow instead of the predicted dusting. NEED to finish that highly intricate ring before the post office closes, so it can go out TODAY? How man times do you think you'll screw it up? This works for the husband (HHBG), and myself.

As one of my resolutions going into this new year was to get something done EVERY DAY, I have found myself making a number of "assembled" items. Some days, it's 5 minutes before I collapse of exhaustion, and I am putting together a keychain and wondering where my day went. Yet, other days, I somehow find the time to spend 2 hours making a tree or wrapping up an intricate ring. I wonder why this is?

One thing I HAVE found is, as I have found myself short on time, I am getting quicker at things that I apparently just needed practice on. Like making wire wrapped bead links (Or whatever they're officially called). The first time I made my own "chain" of beads all on their own little wire wrapped link, it took me HOURS! Literally. It was almost 4 hours start to finish to make one necklace. I finished and sat there wondering HOW people do it. FOUR HOURS!!

The next time I made a "chain", it only took me three hours. That's a 25% reduction in time. Sweet. Now this last time I worked on links, I didn't make a whole necklace chain, I did some single bead earrings and a keychain. All told, it was 7 bead-links. I did everything in about 20 minutes! Wahoo! I wasn't rushing, and they look just as good as the ones that took forever.

Check the new things out!!

I think they look pretty darn good! It's pretty hard to sell the froggie pieces. I love me some frogs. I named my alter ego and jewelry making self after frogs! I even have frog cabinet and drawer pulls in my kitchen.

Ok, enough crazy non-linear posting. Enjoy, and seeya soon!!

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